Climate change can be explained as a modification of climate variables, specially temperature and rain fall that occur gradually in the long time frame between 50 to a century. Apart from it needs to be recognized that this changes caused by human exercise (anthropogenic), particularly those linked to fossil fuel consumption as well as over-land. Have more information about

Hence the alterations caused by natural elements, such as additional aerosols from volcanic eruptions, will not be accounted for in terms of climate change. Therefore the natural phenomena which lead to excessive weather problems such as cyclones can occur every year (inter-annual) and El-Nino and La Nina, which could occur in decade (inter-ten years) cannot be classified into global climate change.

Human exercise in question is definitely the actions which have led to an increase in atmospheric levels, specifically in the kind of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The gas then can determine the temp increase, because it is like glass, that may toward short-wave radiation which happens to be not hot, but keep long-wave rays that is certainly heat. As a result the earth's environment heats up up.

The impact of climate change:

Agricultural sector is going to be affected with the reduction of food output caused by the rise in breakfast cereal sterility, reduction in region might be irrigated and reduce the strength of nutrient absorption and spread of unwanted pests and diseases.

In many places in the developed (high latitudes) surge in CO2 attention will increase productivity as a result of elevated assimilation, but in the tropics that a majority of establishing countries around the world, a rise of assimilation had not been considerable compared with breathing which is elevated. On the whole, if adaptation is just not carried out, the world are experiencing a decrease in food production to 7 %.

Nonetheless, with carried on amounts of adaptation, significance high costs, food production may be stabilized. In other words, stabilization of food production on climate change will surely cost very high, for example by enhancing watering facilities, supply of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, insecticides / inorganic pesticides) included.

In Indonesia, the situation of CO2 concentrations increase from existing rice plant production boosts to 2.3 percent if watering can be taken care of. But if the irrigation system failed to expertise improvements in rice plant production will drop to 4.4 % (Matthews et al., 1995).

Milder temps will cause a change in vegetation species and ecosystems. Mountain / hill areas will drop a lot of types of unique crops and substituted by lowland plants kinds. Along with that the health of water solutions through the mountain ranges will also be prone to disturbance. Additionally the steadiness of land in mountainous regions is likewise disrupted and challenging to keep your authentic plants. This impact is not so apparent in the very low latitude locations or lower height location. If increasingly more forest fires are common in Indonesia, it was hard to link the occurrence with climate change, because most (if not completely) incidents of woodland fires brought on by individual activities linked to land removing.

That taken place along with the El-Nino events for this reason trend supplies dry weather issues that help the occurrence of fire. However, as defined earlier mentioned El-Nino is phenomenon of mother nature which connected with excessive climate events in climate variability, not climate change in the meaning as described above. Increasing of human population tends to make pressure on water supply, especially in downtown places.

At this point there are plenty of urban residents who definitely have issues getting clean water, particularly those who are low- earnings and lower-educated or unskilled. The impact of climate change which causes modifications in temperature and rain fall will have an affect on the availability of water through the surface runoff, groundwater and other reservoir designs. In the 12 months 2080 you will see 2 - 3.5 billion people are experiencing water shortages.